Friday, June 22, 2012

Five Marketing Blogs for Your Career

by Shareen Pathak

When it comes to blogging, it's no wonder marketing folks do so much of it. They are, after all, an outspoken and chatty bunch.
There are so many, in fact, that trade publication Advertising Age ranks over 1,000 of best marketing blogs out there, dubbing the very best the "Power150". But though many touch on strategy and social-media marketing practices, few are career-specific. We rounded up the top five career-oriented marketing blogs.
Ad Age Power150 Rank: 2
Consultant, author and journalist Chris Brogan works primarily with new media technologies. His blog posts are peppered with useful tips on how to excel at work, and more importantly, how to feel fulfilled and satisfied with what you do.
Ad Age Power150 Rank: 41
Dan Schawbel's personal branding blog has multiple writers, all of whom talk about how to make yourself into a brand. And when it comes to job hunting, your brand is the most important thing you can lay on the table. "When there are millions of people competing for jobs, those with the most well-known brands will stand out among the rest," says Schawbel.
Ad Age Power150 Rank: 49
Not a specifically career blog per se, but learning how to manipulate someone's brain into thinking the way you want could help your career, especially when interviewing or trying to get a raise. We're not talking hypnosis and crystals here, but just some simple ways to get your message across the way you want.
Ad Age Power150 Rank: 90
Edelman, the president and CEO of the eponymous public relations powerhouse is a person marketers could learn a lot from. He blogs from events he's been to, and about challenges he and his company are facing. You could use some of his lessons to further your own career.
Ad Age Power150 Rank: 112
MediaBistro's snarky blog goes deep inside the advertising world. It contains very useful tidbits about who's hiring and firing in the industry, and often posts from other, less well-known ad outlets around the country to note new hiring trends in far-flung places.
Write to Shareen Pathak

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